Friday 16 October 2015

TRICK OR TREAT | Quick Halloween Looks

October marks the beginning of some of my favourite months, October means Halloween, November my birthday and of course December means Christmas so I get stoked for the winter.

This October I've been getting creative and I thought I'd share a few looks with you because I've been away for a while again as I had to move house twice in a month!

TRIGGER WARNING: Some of these pictures include simulated gore and fake blood :)

First up this easy pencil up the nose! I just took a pencil, cut it into 3 bits and discarded the middle, lined it up and stuck the top part of the pencil to my forehead using spirit gum and I stuck it at an angle so it would meet the other end that's up your nose, I covered in spirit gum and put some scar wax over it to make it seamless. Now yes, you have to stick a pencil up your nose but if it doesn't fit perfectly just pop some lash glue around the edge of the pencil like I did with mine as my nostrils are clearly huge. When the pencil was nicely in there I added some fake blood and hey presto a really effective quick look!

This I did on my friend Lisa, I laid down some layers of liquid latex and built it up until it was thick enough to pull and cut open, I painted the edges and inside then filled it with cotton, tissue & added some Q-tips for tendons. Fill with fake blood and tahdah!

This zombie bite was easy and just fun to do, would look awesome on the neck I was just practising here! I painted around my hand with some face paints (grease paints will work much better for this!!) then layered some liquid latex and tissue, pinched out some holes and tore it up and added fake blood. This could look so much better but my grease paints and bruise wheel still haven't arrived waaaah.

And finally my favourite! A Day of the Dead skull, you can be as creative as you like here. I just referenced lots of pictures and went on my merry way. Firstly I covered my eyebrows in spirit gum to hide them and make them lay flat, I then covered my face in Mehron celebre hd pro foundation and powdered into place, this foundation is cream based (& grosss, I don't know how Kylie Jenner wears it) so it made removing easy cus it literally slides off so if you make any mistakes fear not!
I started with the eyes and then just added gems, swirls and glitter all over the place. You can do whatever you want, use whatever colours you want, mine took about 3 hours because I was so engrossed in it!

I hope you enjoy these, I shall be creating more all month so follow my social media (Mainly Instagram!) 
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  1. These are all so good! Love the sugar skull x

  2. These look incredible! I love the pencil effect, it's so amazing how you can make it look so realistic. I'm thinking of going for a day of the dead look for halloween, and that's actually a really nice design, so I might just keep it in mind!

    Sara |

  3. I love them all! You're so talented. The arm one is really freaking me out haha - looks SO real!

    Hannah x hannatalks
