Sunday 29 December 2013

REVIEW | Mark Hill | MiracOILicious 2 Minute Treatment

There has been a massive surge of 'oil' products to the hair care market lately and after looking in to it a little I found out that a lot of 'oils' weren't even all that worth buying as a bottle of the normal non branded stuff can be found quite inexpensively and don't have any silicones and nasty bits in! I dabbled with some pure and some Loreal stuff and I still haven't settled on one as well as the whole oil hair care thing being quite confusing. I'm not going to lie I'm really not a fan of the name of this line of products, it's such a mouthful but I picked it up on a whim in the Boots sale, you may have seen in my previous post here

I've only used this twice but I'm so happy with the results I thought I should share, my hair has been like straw, I mean it made a crunch sound when I touched it! After having over an inch lopped off at the hairdressers the other day I felt very sad and sorry for my poor, now very short locks. My hair has been red, blonde, ombre and now dark chocolate brown in the last few months leaving it in dire need of some TLC.

This stuff smells like heaven, I've not smelled anything like it but it's so yummy it smells like sweets, my boyfriend kept asking to smell me because its so good and the smell really stays in my hair. The treatment boasts an impressive list of ingredients such as vanilla, shea butter, argan oil and wheat proteins. It also has a nice thick consistency but melts onto the hair, I didn't find I had any residue left after rinsing thoroughly with cool water. 

My hair is now shiny for the first time in honestly months, it's been so dull and sad looking I'll be using this once out of every 2/3 washes, all you have to do is squeeze the excess water out of your hair after shampooing and run a dollop from root to tip, I mainly focus on my ends give myself a little head massage and then pop my hair in a clip and continue to relax in my bath.

There is a hair oil, shampoo and conditioner in the range so I shall be investing in the conditioner as I have the oil and shampoo, I have looked for the kit on Boots but I think it's sold out, it was only £11 and the hair treatment itself is £7.99 so it's a super bargain if you can find it in store, however it's currently on a 3 for 2 at Boots if you fancy a try!

I think this is worth it for the smell alone, have you tried this? Whats your favourite thing to get sad locks back in ship shape? Let me know in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh this is an awesome bargain! I'm a complete slave to the L'Oreal Extraordinary Oil, I was really nervous about trying hair oil but it's definitely made a huge difference to my hair! x
