Tuesday 25 February 2014

How To | Hungry Eyes

Thanks to the title of this I've got Hungry Eyes stuck in my head, what a song though right?
Anyway as makeup fiend I've never EVER bothered with smokey eyes or eye shadow in general but I've always been amazed by what people can do and how it transforms a look. I've been looking at pictures and decided I'd try..
(This is my second go at a dramatic smokey eye so please be kind! :) )

 This is by no means a 'tutorial' as I don't think I'm good enough to tell people how to do something but I thought everyone might enjoy the easiest tip ever for a really dramatic clean line, something I've never been able to do before and no you don't need to buy any special tools because it's just clear tape!

Firstly I did my foundation but I'd probably wait till after as you will take loads off when removing the tape, I did however prep my eye with MAC's Paintpot in Painterly.
Grab some tape and just cut a bit long enough for under your eye to hair line and make sure you take some of the 'tack' off the tape or you'll hurt your sensitive eye skin, so I just stick it on my hand a few times to stop it being brutal on the eye. Also make sure you place the tape under your lower lashes or you'll give yourself an unwanted eyelash wax!

I took the last shade in my W7 In The Buff Pallette called onyx and just ran it along the tape line and curved it to the crease, really simple to do.
Carry on in the crease by softening it with Chocolate and keep darkening the corner with Onyx until you feel happy.
I then pushed Sand onto the centre of my lid and ran more Onyx on a small definer brush under my waterline
I should have kept the tape on but me being impatient means I messed my line up but it's easily fixable pop the tape back on and re dust it with the dark shadow. Just use a blending brush with no product on it to work into your crease, you can make this as light or dark as you want for a more vampy look!

I the did my brows with my favourite Illamasqua Brow Cake in Thunder along with some ELF Makeup Lock and Seal to keep the pesky powder in shape, then cleaned up around my eye with MAC Studio Finish Concealer and some Ardell Demi Wispies lashes. I didn't line my eye with any liquid or gel liner as I don't think this look needs it but I'm sure you can, I just have a little eye!

I hope you find the tape trick as useful as I have, I seriously love the effect it gives! I'd definitely wear this eye look on a massive night out and I'm going to have a play with different colours as I would love to be able to wear this more! 

Let me know if you like these types of posts or if you'd like to see more, what's your favourite beauty trick?


  1. I love the song Hungry Eyes haha! You look fab :)
    Loving that palette x

    1. Definitely makes me feel like a child again dancing around with my mum to the Dirty Dancing soundtrack!! haha! xo

  2. Looks gorgeous can't believe its only your second go at a dramatic smokey eye! Great tip about the tape too, never thought of that. x

    1. Thank you! Yes it's brilliant isn't it! Just make sure you detack it or you'll find out like me how painful it is hahaha xo

  3. That eye look is beautiful x


  4. absolutely stunning eye makeup! cute blog too :) im doing a fab giveaway you should check it out :) http://amyelizabethfashion.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/giveaway-soap-and-glory-mist-you-madly.html xx

    1. Thank you! Definitely will do lovely x

  5. Hey http://missrose12.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-liebster-award.html I've nominated you for the Liebester Award!

  6. this is a gorgeous look! You got the eye shape so perfect X


  7. What a great tip!! Would have never of thought of this.



  8. Hello !
    My name’s Anna and I shared in my blog 23 random facts about myself …
    Guess what ! I’ve chosen you to join me in this post tag and share 23 random facts about yourself too; so we can get to know each other !

  9. so beautiful!
    xoxo from switzerland
